
Printable Mail-In Application

Download the application in Microsoft Word format or Adobe Acrobat PDF or print this page through your Web browser.

Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Ohio welcomes you. Submit this form and $40.00 for each adult membership to FCACO, PO Box 14835, Columbus OH 43214, and FCACO will send membership materials for each person listed. Membership is complete when you send your completed Pre-Arrangement Form to the funeral home. You are urged to do this promptly. Note, FCACO does not share our membership list outside of the FCA network.

Enroll me/us in Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Ohio and send planning forms, mortuary information and wallet cards; and add me/us to your newsletter list.

Please print legibly.

Name: ________________________________________




Phone: _________________ Email: __________________

2nd Name:_________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

Phone: _________________ Email: __________________

Dependent children (to age 18) are included in an adult membership. Please list each name and date of birth:


Please send a gift membership to (enclose $40 for each):


Please mail a copy of the FCACO Membership Brochure to:


How did you find out about FCACO?


If you would like to invite an FCACO speaker to make a presentation to your group, church or other organization, call us at 614-263-4632.

Total enclosed: $____________

(Hardship memberships are available. Please call the office for information at 614-263-4632.)